Thursday, 29 April 2010

Captain Mac?

Having had a few weeks off from drawing, digital painting and basically doing anything creative what so ever. I now feel back on track (creatively) and have gone straight into designing Mac. Mac is the guy responsible for the guidance and teachings of our main character. He is an ex-Sargent who was left to rot on this planet after refusing to follow the order to wipe out a friendly and unarmed race. He found our main character at a crash site and has cared and raised the boy in the best way he knew. Hence the young lad being super efficient in handling fire arms and tactical.. warfare.

My drawing style has real loosend up on this piece. But it's something I'm happy with, so much so, that I want to re-do the work I've already done to match this loose pen and ink style.

(MAC is just a working title for now!)

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